A Bridge for Cancer Patients and Caregivers


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When someone hears the words, “You have cancer,” time comes to a standstill. Soon enough, they’re surrounded by a whirlwind of emotions and decisions about what may come next. As CARTI knows firsthand, navigating a cancer journey is complicated and taxing—physically, emotionally and financially—for patients and their loved ones.

That’s why, for nearly 50 years, CARTI has been committed to providing support services to ease the burden of those facing cancer. Now, it’s offering access to even more education and wellness programs and support groups—all through one front desk. With The Bridge, located at its flagship campus in Little Rock, CARTI is focused on alleviating individuals’ stress and helping them gain a greater sense of control and self-connection. 

The Bridge’s current offerings include a breast health support group, a Cancer 101 workshop, “Eating Well with Chef Coby,” financial advocacy, a genetics and risk management workshop, healing arts, a laryngectomy support group, pastoral care, the Patient Mentorship- Help One Person’s Experience (H.O.P.E.), the “Stronger Together” breast cancer and lymphedema support group and in-person and virtual yoga. 

As a not-for-profit provider, CARTI depends on our generous support to make The Bridge possible. Through events like CARTI Salute, a progressive wine and food event featured in the April issue, our community is helping raise funds to provide support services that improve the quality of life for cancer patients in Arkansas. For more information about The Bridge or to register for its programs, visit CARTI.com/thebridge. 

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