This Month:

Buffalo Island Central High School – Outstanding Volunteer Youth Group

The Many Faces of Fashion – Indigo

The Many Faces of Fashion – Roberson’s Fine Jewelry

JaKiah Collins – Outstanding Volunteer Youth Fundraiser

Little Rock Zoo Wild Wines Committee – Outstanding Volunteer Organization

The Many Faces of Fashion – Scarlet Boutique & Salon

Lesley Oslica – Lifetime Achievement Award

The Many Faces of Fashion – Vesta’s

Garver – Outstanding Corporation

The Many Faces of Fashion – J. McLaughlin

This Month:

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A Civic Leader


Photography by Rett Peek | Shot on location at the UA Little Rock Windgate Center of Art + Design| Hair & Makeup by Tasha Warrior with Salon BC2 | Wardrobe from Vesta’s

   When Christine Gronwald joined the Association of Fundraising Professionals Arkansas, she quickly realized the invaluable resources the organization provides. “It has shaped my fundraising career for nearly the past decade with education sessions, mentor programs, scholarships and networking opportunities. As an affiliate of Association of Fundraising Professional Global, our chapter has access to additional support and fellow fundraisers.”

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The landscape of Central Arkansas is more vibrant as a result of the countless nonprofit organizations that are committed to improving the lives of fellow Arkansans. Building a better, brighter community is the finite focus of the business and civic leaders that engage in this philosophy. “The definition of philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others. Focusing on others and striving to make the world a better place makes me a better person.” As president of AFP, Christine recognizes the membership of AFP Arkansas that’s 160+ members strong and its impact in the Capital City.

   Christine believes that AFP has helped prepare her for her current work, “Over the years, I’ve held several positions and it has groomed me to be a more effective leader and liaison for our chapter. This experience and training have led me to become a better director of development at EAST.”

 width=   Despite the global pandemic, Christine remains optimistic. “I have courage to keep moving forward, trying things that scare me and never feel like I have failed. I have only eliminated paths that don’t work, which is part of the process of finding success.” She adds that being a life learner is also key to continued prosperity both professionally and personally. “You must always be a student and never stop learning. It puts you in a state of mind, understanding you have something to learn from everyone you meet and every experience you have.”

   This native Arkansan loves the Natural State and its beautiful scenery and people. Christine notes that the state ranks well among the most charitable states year after year. “Not only do Arkansans give monetarily, but they volunteer their time and give of their talents as well. We are kind and giving people and I am proud to call this state home.”

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