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National Philanthropy Day


By Kim Meyer-Webb | Photography by Jamison Mosley | Hair & Makeup by Suzy Balkman with Bristle + Balm | Wardrobe from Dillard’s | Jewelry by Jones & Son Diamond & Bridal Fine Jewelry


   Each year, the Association of Fundraising Professionals celebrates National Philanthropy Day with recognition of business and civic leaders who transform the Natural State. Comprised of more than 230 chapters, the organization creates an invaluable global network for its members – all with a finite focus of building better communities. The AFP Arkansas Chapter will welcome friends and colleagues to the National Philanthropy Day luncheon later this month. 

   Kerina Goucher helps the Association of Fundraising Professionals Arkansas Chapter increase the programs and resources offered to its’ members. For nearly a decade, her commitment to the organization has remained steadfast. It has been instrumental in her career, connecting her with like-minded individuals and introducing her to a variety of unexpected opportunities. She recalls, “I started my nonprofit career at Centers for Youth & Families. Dawn Prasifka hired me and I learned so much from her.” Later, Kerina worked at the AFP Arkansas Chapter, where she continued to realize the impact. “Seeing the generosity of giving makes Arkansas such a wonderful place to live. The Association of Fundraising Professionals helps make this possible.”

   The membership of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Arkansas Chapter is 160+ strong – comprised of approximately 150 nonprofit organizations. Arkansas Chapter President Jennifer Owens Buie elablorates, “Belonging to the Association of Fundraising Professionals sends an important message that our industry is united and cares about social issues. It helps advance and better network our fundraising community; especially during challenging times.”  width=

   Kerina was introduced to Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled through friend and fellow Association of Fundraising Professionals member Debbie Grooms. “I attended the fundraiser Curtain Call and fell in love with the organization,” Kerina remembers. “After learning more about the mission, empowering individuals with developmental disabilities, I eventually joined the the AEDD team.” As the AEDD Development & Marketing Coordinator, Kerina acknowledges that AFP helped prepare her for her role at AEDD. She credits her grandfather – and volunteerism throughout high school at the Museum of Natural History & Antiquities – with her continued commitment to community service. “It was such a fun and rewarding experience!”

   A native Arkansan, Kerina realizes the landscape of Central Arkansas is more vibrant as a result of the countless nonprofit organizations that are committed to improving the lives of fellow Arkansans. “I love Arkansas and the people that live here. We have some amazing individuals and organizations that give so much.” Kerina continues, “Giving back doesn’t always have to be monetary. Time is just as valuable. Volunteer for a school, church or your favorite nonprofit…  even it’s for a few hours!” 

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