This Month:

Festival of Fashion – Vesta’s

Outstanding Volunteer Youth Groups

Shelia Vaught – Lifetime Achievement Award

Festival of Fashion – AtelierDirect by Lafayette 148

Community Involvement

Outstanding Volunteer Youth Fundraisers

National Philanthropy Day

Outstanding Foundations

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraisers

Outstanding Corporations

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Festival of Fashion – B. Barnett


Dallas Yarnell | B. Barnett

“CARTI is an incredible institution that helps to save the lives of many people suffering from different cancers. We have always felt the need to support organizations making a significant difference in our beautiful state.”

Celebrating the shop + live local philosophy, many Central Arkansas boutiques share a commitment to the CARTI mission that is unwavering. As we look forward to the return of the most fashionable event of the season – Festival of Fashion 2021 – we honor businesses supporting businesses, friends supporting friends and encourage the shop local philosophy. Each shares insight + inspiration for fall fashion. Join the FUN – Festival of Fashion on November 19th. Because now more than ever, community matters….

What’s the best thing about this year’s fall fashion? Being able to help our clients express themselves through fashion by choosing styles inspired from the best of every decade. I especially love the strong influence 1990s fashion has taken in today’s world.

What’s the most exciting to you? It’s very exciting that we are returning to event season so people can come together again and have fun supporting the causes most important to them.

Why do you and your boutique continue to support CARTI + Festival of Fashion? CARTI is an incredible institution that helps to save the lives of many people suffering from different cancers. We have always felt the need to support organizations making a significant difference in our beautiful state.


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