Fellow Arkansans – neighbors, colleagues and friends – are sharing a light of peace, kindness and generosity that makes The Natural State a little brighter. Inviting Arkansas and Methodist Family Health celebrate individuals who illuminate our community with goodness. Nominate someone today for a future feature that SHINES.
Elizabeth Weber spends ample time and energy in the woodland; it provides inspiration and insight into her work as an artist and mentor. Her home and studio space reveal a very personal perspective. “There are thousands of miraculous things happening around us and all we have to do is slow down, listen, observe, and appreciate the wonder unfolding in the natural world.”
At the Methodist Family Health Day Treatment School, Elizabeth brings art into the therapy curriculum that transforms the lives of clients. She elaborates, “I encourage students to trust themselves and their abilities, reminding them that real learning takes risks. This helps build self-esteem, confidence, new coping outlets and a love of art – all of which will continue after the program.” This philosophy reflects the heart of the Methodist Family Health mission – offering a complete continuum of care for Arkansas children who experience abandonment, abuse, neglect or struggles with psychiatric, behavioral and emotional issues.
A New York native, Elizabeth moved to California after college graduation. “I continued to hike and explore nature. This love guides the direction, and often the material, in the body of sculptural work.” She moved to Arkansas in 2016; her home is a sanctuary for quiet contemplation. Her exhibitions throughout the United States span from New York to California, but it was “hints and clues from the universe” that brought Elizabeth into art therapy. “I heard about the opportunity to teach art to the patients at AR Children’s Hospital and realized that I could be of service right here. I have now been there over 17 years, and almost as long here at Methodist Family Health. Not only do I get to work with amazing kids, but my soul grows in so many ways each and every day.”
Funding for this initiative comes from the Methodist Family Health Foundation with grants from the Arkansas Arts Council and the Charles A. Frueauff Foundation – providing an invaluable resource to students. “The program gives students the space to create, to experiment, to even fail, perhaps several times. Most importantly, it gives them a safe space to grow,” Elizabeth elaborates. “Through the art experiences, the children are then able to grow personally and express themselves authentically without fear of judgment.”
Elizabeth realizes art as a tremendous therapeutic tool for children experiencing trauma and the related emotions. “As a teacher, the kids are my motivation and inspiration – I am constantly learning from them. The challenge of reaching each new kid and getting them excited about expressing themselves through art drives me. Being able to introduce them to new ways to cope with life’s challenges while staying true to themselves brings me tremendous joy.”