Clinton Presidential Center celebrates its 20th anniversary


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Stephanie S. Streett reflects on two decades of impact and looks to the future

as the Clinton Presidential Center celebrates its 20th anniversary


How would you describe the Clinton Center to someone who has never visited it?

The Clinton Center is more than just a building, and it’s more than just a museum. It’s a place that connects. It connects the past with the present and future, connects people, and connects ideas and encourages action. The Clinton Center features permanent exhibits that chronicle American history at the turn of the 21st century. Our diverse temporary exhibitions range in topics from Oscar de la Renta to outer space and give our guests an opportunity to see and experience something new, and sometimes unexpected. 

The Clinton Center has welcomed exhibits, speakers, and programs to Central Arkansas for two decades. Is there one event that you enjoyed the most?

It’s hard not to point to the Kumpuris Distinguished Lecture with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2019 at Simmons Bank Arena. 15,000 guests attended, and there were an additional 15,000 on the waiting list. It was incredible to look out and see the enthusiastic crowd gathered, regardless of political affiliation, to hear from this historic trailblazer.

One of my favorite exhibits was “Xtreme Bugs,” which was inspired by one of President Clinton’s favorite books, “The Social Conquest of Earth,” by E.O. Wilson. Wilson writes that ants, termites, bees, and people are among the most successful species on earth because they are the greatest cooperators. President Clinton uses this metaphor often to underscore how we all do better when we work together. And kids – of all ages – loved it!

If you could wave a magic wand, what program would you like to host at the Clinton Center?

I am a long-standing fan of Saturday Night Live. Wouldn’t it be fun to put together a panel of some of the shows iconic cast members like Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell, Dana Carvey, Molly Shannon, Maya Rudolph, and Adam Sandler and have them participate in a conversation as their most memorable characters? Can you imagine Church Lady, Sally O’Mally, and Opera Man together on stage? On a more serious note, I think Pope Francis would be fascinating a person to interview.

Can you give us any updates on the Clinton Center expansion project?

Last summer, we announced our intention to embark on a large-scale modernization and expansion of the Clinton Center in partnership with renowned architect Jeanne Gang. One of the features I’m most excited about is the establishment a new wing that will include Secretary Clinton’s extensive archival collection, as well as engaging exhibitions focusing on her remarkable life and career in public service. Another key component of the expansion project will connect culture and nature by amplifying the experience of our indoor exhibitions with varied outdoor spaces designed to bring people together and promote engagement and recreation in the natural environment.

Most importantly, we hope the expansion will cement the Clinton Presidential Center’s role as a vital community institution promoting our highest democratic ideals.





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