Wanda Bateman – Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser


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The Summer Cereal Queen

   For nearly two decades, Wanda Bateman coordinated a Pine Bluff Summer Cereal Drive team to help alleviate food insecurity in Jefferson County. She organized the inventory of cereal at the Arkansas Foodbank for distribution through local food pantries.  Wanda’s friend and personal assistant Joy Hunthrop reflects, “Mrs. Wanda was extremely giving, but she was also very competitive.  The year she was named to the Hall of Fame for the Arkansas Foodbank Summer Cereal Drive and her name was displayed at the foodbank was one of her proudest moments.  She was determined and earned her name as the Cereal Queen each year.“ Wanda collected more than 86,000 boxes of cereal last year.

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   At the 2019 THV11 Jefferson County outreach day, Wanda was there – despite her cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy treatments – to encourage the community to purchase cereal for this important initiative and help the children of Jefferson County. Arkansas Foodbank Annual Giving Director Sherri Jones remembers, “Wanda hugged me and told me I better get the trophy ready for her – because her total boxes of cereal was going to be good this year. She did not disappoint.”

   The 20th Anniversary Summer Cereal Drive recognized Wanda’s steadfast commitment to community service + the welfare of children.  Joy notes, “Mrs. Wanda believed wholeheartedly in the mission of the Arkansas Foodbank.  She knew Pine Bluff has a lot of people in need and was grateful to the foodbank for having the same passion as she did to serve others.”

Images provided by Arkansas Foodbank

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