Southwest Power Pool | Senior Director State Regulatory Process
I spend a large amount of my time strategizing with Southwest Power Pool staff, state commissioners, members, and stakeholders on how SPP can effectively carry out its mission and ensure our member companies continue to receive value from SPP’s services.
I love working with brilliant and dedicated people here at SPP and throughout the SPP region and nation. Many great minds are keenly focused on ensuring the current transition to cleaner forms of energy is carried out reliably and economically. My job is foundational to enjoying the comforts of our modernized living. I love being a part of SPP’s vital mission of “working together to responsibly and economically keep the lights on today and in the future.”
It is often reported that there is a lack of gender diversity in STEAM careers. I have yet to find that to be true. While this field may have a strong male presence, throughout my college and career experiences I have connected with many women serving and leading in a wide array of capacities within STEAM.
To any young woman that may be apprehensive about entering the STEAM field because of the potential lack of diversity – never let anything stand in your path to achieving your goals. Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable is the only way you will experience development and growth. Be open, ready, and eager to accept unexpected opportunities; they are often life-changing experiences. Most importantly, be confident and kind to yourself.
These wonder women are redefining what “full STEAM ahead” means in Arkansas. With exciting careers in science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics – each reflects WIT (Women in Tech) and true grit for making the most of every opportunity. Here’s to the powHER of knowledge.