A Natural State of Community

Just Communities of Arkansas is experiencing a resurgence. Established in 1965 as a field office of the National Conference of Christians & Jews, Just Communities of Arkansas became an independent […]

Festive Cocktails

Cranberry Champagne Cocktail Champagne cranberry juice frozen cranberries add cranberry juice + squeeze of lime to chilled Champagne flute top with Champagne garnish with 3 or 4 frozen berries   […]

The Finest Gala

Chairman Mary Nell McBryde welcomed friends and patrons of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to the Argenta Plaza for an evening under the stars. Highlights included recognition of the Taste of […]

NLR Conference Center Reception

Business and civic leaders joined North Little Rock Mayor Terry Hartwick for this special reception and unveiling of the North Little Rock Conference Center. Located at 120 Main Street, the […]

Paws on the Runway

Patrons and friends of Central Arkansas Rescue Effort for Animals gathered at Rusty Tractor for this year’s Paws on the Runway. Guests enjoyed the PURfect combination of delicious food, bold […]

Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch Award

Hosted at the Little Rock Marriott, the Arkansas Children’s Award Dinner honored Sissy Jones for her commitment to improving the welfare of children in Arkansas. Guests enjoyed dinner and an […]

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