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Photography by Dero Sanford | Chair from Hank’s Fine Furniture

AT&T | Big Red Stores | Fowler Foods, Inc. (not pictured)

 width=AT&T | Kelly Gottsponer, Principle Consultant AT&T FirstNet / Marion King, Small Business Sale Manager

With a legacy of investing in projects that strengthen communities and improve lives, AT&T creates opportunities for its team to engage in these initiatives – promoting academic + economic achievement as well the related needs of fellow Arkansans. “When you have the time and resources to do so, just do it! There is no greater feeling in the world than to help someone and not expect anything in return or help someone who can’t help you in your career or financial gain,” explains Marion King.






 width=Big Red Stores | David Hendrix Jr., Merchandising Coordinator / Emily Bradford, Public Relations Manager  
Big Red Stores believes community service is an integral component of every business plan. The corporation contributes to local neighborhoods and residents with a philosophy of Arkansans serving Arkansans. David Hendrix Jr. adds, “The people of our community have been so good to us, and we feel it’s our obligation and blessing to give back to them. We recognize that we all have times of need and helping those in their time of need is important to us.”


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